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The challenge: unlocking growth by cutting scrap

Producing over 300,000 die cast components and assemblies for the global automotive industry every year, this customer has been working with ItalPresseGauss since it launched in 2016.

Since then, the organisation has achieved impressive growth. Looking to continue this upward trajectory, they approached ItalPresseGauss about digital solutions to help lower scrap rates and optimise casting equipment performance. 

The solution: AI-driven process optimisation

Working with IIoT experts from Monitizer, a sister company to ItalPresseGauss, they installed Monitizer®│PRESCRIBE on one of the customer’s 11 die casting cells. 

With proven success in both high pressure and low pressure die casting environments, PRESCRIBE is an ‘AI-as-a-service’ solution powered by AI partners at DataProphet. PRESCRIBE works by analysing historic and live die casting data to learn which process settings deliver the best quality outcomes. 

Using this knowledge, and accounting for real time production conditions, it proactively prescribes control adjustments that keep production stable for consistent quality. 

“The customer already had their own Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for collecting basic machine data. As Monitizer is compatible with existing equipment and software solutions, this meant implementation was straightforward. We could add to their capabilities without them having to replace or update anything.”

Steven Li, Aluminum Project Director for ItalPresseGauss, China

The result: A quality uplift that’s ready for roll out.

In just one production batch, PRESCRIBE enabled the customer to reduce their average scrap rate by 52%, and is now helping them to maintain this impressive performance. 

If the results achieved on this project - which involved specific dies on one cell - were to be replicated across all dies and product, the customer could expect to save almost 130,000 Euros a year in scrap reduction alone. Before factoring in additional energy savings and productivity gains. 

Steven Li added: “This customer always tells us that they like our high pressure die casting machines for being easy to use. That they deliver reliable performance with minimal maintenance effort. I think they now feel the same about their digital solution! PRESCRIBE delivered great results, quickly, and will enable the customer to keep doing so. We’re already talking about expanding the project to include more dies with a view to wider roll out.”

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