HMe: Powerful Die Casting Control Software
Control, monitor and diagnose. With precision and ease.
Make complex control, simple.
What makes HMe so easy to use? Here are 3 examples:
- Simple menu navigation. You can reach any information you need in no more than 3 steps. Seamless switching between pages supports quicker adjustments and better control.
- Critical data ‘at a glance. Data sets are grouped for easy of viewing. For example, one page shows pressure and speed parameters for all shot profile settings. Color codes and trend analysis tabs also ensure you can prioritize and respond to any issues. Fast.
- Quick search. Use powerful filters to search vast archives of machine performance, settings, and maintenance information. Great for rapid, informed decision making.
Benefit from precise performance data.
High-definition recording with millisecond sampling enables accurate and detailed curve analysis. This information is presented in clear dashboards so you can:
- Access detail. As with everything else in HMe, this data is clearly visualized so that you can use zoom and cursor tools to drill down into any specific area for a deeper understanding.
- Compare curves. Access to stored curves provides the ability to compare past data with current performance for informed decision-making.
Leverage the latest hardware. It’s simpler and safer.
When you chose HMe you don’t just get great software, you also get:
- An industrial grade PC equipped with Windows OS
- Seamless integration for supervision and control
- A 17” touch screen for improved usability and visibility
- A powerful Siemens PLC and combined Failsafe CPU with remote I/O for simplified maintenance and safety program control
Supervise your complete cell. From one place.
HMe can supervise the key settings and functions of any connected peripheral device, enabling real time, complete cell monitoring form a single interface.
This reduces time spent switching between different interfaces, improving efficiency. Real-time monitoring ensures immediate detection of issues, enabling quick responses and minimizing downtime.
Connect your machines. Simplify process management.
With HMe, you can easily connect all your machines to a central server. This enables real-time updates, simplifies the management of production processes, and facilitates quick adjustments based on centralized data.
Interested in unlocking even more benefits through connected data? For improved die casting efficiency and scrap reduction.